William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare Revisited

What would William Shakespeare say we should say and do?

Climate crisis: an existential threat of our time, our Earth ‘doth revolt from her default,’ forging an ominous path that can test humanity’s survival. If the 'Bard of Avon,' William Shakespeare, were alive to witness such a predicament, he might channelize his wisdom to inspire resonating action.

Adopting a phrase from the eponymous character in his play ‘Hamlet,’ Shakespeare might tell us, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Meaning, the solutions to the climate crisis exist within our cognizance, waiting to be championed. He might reiterate, "What's done can’t be undone," with a solemn appeal to stop treading the path of environmental harm. A call to action might tumble from his lips, "Action is eloquence." Coupling awareness with actions is vital.

Jumping off from his play ‘Julius Caesar,’ he could advise, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves…", decrying our role in climate change, urging societal reform and insistence upon sustainable practices.

Shakespeare, with his storied quill, would beseech President Biden to handle the Israel-Gaza crisis astutely. Drawing parallels from ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ he would echo Friar Laurence's plea for peace. "These violent delights have violent ends", Shakespeare may counsel, advocating diplomacy over force.

He would likely regard the escalating tensions in the Middle East as a crisis borne out of entrenched enmity, much like the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. Hence, his advice might look toward fostering an environment conducive to peace.

In 'The Merchant of Venice,' Shakespeare writes, "It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesses him that gives and him that takes," likening mercy's quality to gentle rain. Such ideology could shape Biden’s stance, emphasizing the indispensability of mercy and forbearance, urging a fair, humane resolution.

20-Point Plan to Tackle Today's Challenges:

1. Foster global cooperation, echoing Shakespeare’s portrayal of shared struggle.
2. Advocate for widespread climate education, for 'Ignorance is the curse of God.'
3. Prioritize climate-positive policies and renewable energy.
4. Implement strict enforcement of such policies.
5. Practice sustainable consumption, treading softly on our Earth.
6. Regularly conserve and clean water bodies.
7. Plant more trees - "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
8. Reduce meat consumption; encourage plant-based diets.
9. Invest in green technologies and infrastructure.
10. Transition to public transportation, cycling, or walking.
11. For the Israel-Gaza conflict, prioritize dialogue; "Give thy thoughts no tongue."
12. Utilize diplomatic resources to encourage ceasefire.
13. Promote fair representation of both sides, fostering empathy.
14. Seek international collaboration to mediate the crisis.
15. Focus on human rights, ceasing violence against civilians – “The quality of mercy is not strained…”
16. Improve humanitarian efforts, supplying medical and food aid.
17. Invest in long-term stability; promote economic development.
18. Facilitate post-conflict recovery, rebuilding infrastructure.
19. Ensure access to education, for 'Learning lights brighter than homemade torches.'
20. Nurture a culture of peace, tolerance, and mutual respect, recalling the reconciliation in ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

By amalgamating Shakespeare's wisdom with modern understanding, we might yet navigate these tumultuous times, armed with the knowledge that "All's Well That Ends Well."

One Earth One Chance