Hidden Waves
"Just because we can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist, and can have serious ill effects on our survival. #80 is very interesting: Collective Mind Energy Brain Waves."

Cosmic Brain Waves

Many brain waves.

Hidden Brain Waves

Brain waves around earth.

The Brain Waves of Earth Itself

Brain waves inside earth.

Here are 50 "hidden waves" which exist but we can't see them.

1. Cosmological Microwave Background Radiation
2. Magnetospheric Energy
3. Geothermal Energy
4. Schumann Resonances
5. Solar Wind Energy
6. Dark Energy
7. Dark Matter
8. Ultraviolet Light
9. Infrared light
10. Gravity Waves
11. Neutrinos
12. Pulsars
13. Radio Waves
14. Thermodynamics
15. Electric Fields
16. Magnetic Fields
17. Electromagnetic Radiation
18. Quantum Energy
19. Tidal Energy
20. Cosmic Rays
21. Energy from Starlight
22. Kinetic Energy
23. Subatomic Vibrations
24. X-rays
25. Gamma waves
26. Beta waves
27. Seismic Waves
28. Elastic potential Energy
29. Gravitational potential Energy
30. Chemical Energy
31. Radiant Energy
32. Mechanical Waves
33. Nuclear Energy
34. Quantum Fields
35. Quasar energy
36. Black Hole Energy
37. Internet Wi-Fi Signals
38. Mobile data Signals
39. Telecommunication Signals
40. Bluetooth Signals
41. Optical fiber Signals
42. 4G, 5G, and LTE Signals
43. Virtual Reality Energy
44. Radiated Thermal Energy
45. Temperature Fluctuations in the Atmosphere
46. Hydraulic energy, underneath the Earth's crust
47. Energy from Electrons
48. Energy emitted from Earth's Ionosphere
49. Satellite Signals
50. Photothermal Energy.

Here are an additional 50 "hidden" energies: #80 is very interesting!!

51. Atmospheric Pressure Energy
52. Tectonic Plate Energy
53. Earth's Magnetic Field Energy
54. Aurora Borealis/Australis Energy
55. Hydrogen Energy
56. Bioelectromagnetic Energy
57. Ultrasonic Waves
58. Redshift Energy
59. Molecular Vibration Energy
60. Angular Momentum
61. Superstring Vibration Energy
62. Elastic Energy
63. Low Frequency Waves
64. Light Particle Energy (Photons)
65. Bose-Einstein Condensate Energy
66. Superconductivity Energy
67. Galactic Energy
68. Supernova Energy
69. Planetary Rotation Energy
70. Cellular Energy
71. Photosynthesis Energy
72. Acoustic Energy
73. Stellar Wind Energy
74. Solar Flare Energy
75. Thermoelectric Energy
76. Sound Waves in the Ocean
77. Underwater Current Energy
78. Biological Motor Energy (ATP)
79. DNA/RNA Vibration Energy
80. Collective Mind Energy (Brain Waves)
81. Biochemical Reaction Energy
82. Plasma Energy
83. Static Electricity
84. Inductive Energy
85. Torque Energy
86. Energy from Meteors/Meteorites
87. Orbital Energy of Celestial Bodies
88. Spiritual Energy (Chi, Prana, Auras)
89. Heart's Electromagnetic Field
90. Tornado and Cyclone Energy
91. DNA Light Radiation
92. Neutron Star Energy
93. Van Allen Belts Energy
94. Light Reflection/Refraction Energy
95. Heat from Volcanic Lava
96. Tachyon Energy
97. Quantum Fluctuation / Vacuum Energy
98. Van der Waals Forces Energy
99. Decay Heat from Radioactive Materials
100. Cascaded Energy in Waterfalls/Rivers.

One Earth One Chance