The Future of Climate Change
"Our Forever New Earth"

1. 1.2 Degrees Celsius: 

   a. Increase in heatwaves.

   b. Rising sea levels.

   c. Dying coral reefs.

   d. More severe hurricanes.

   e. Shifts in climate zones.

   f. Frequent wildfires.

   g. Ocean acidification.

   h. More intense rainfall events.

   i. Decline in agricultural yield.

   j. Displacement of people due to flooding.

2. 1.5 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Large-scale loss of species.

   b. Increased water shortage worldwide.

   c. Increase in vector-borne diseases.

   d. Melting permafrost releases methane (a potent greenhouse gas).

   e. Even more frequent and intense heatwaves.

   f. High risk of drought and fires in Mediterranean region.

   g. Serious risk to coastal communities due to the sea-level rise.

   h. Permanent loss of some ecosystems.

   i. Increased stress on health systems.

   j. Further decline in crop yields.

3. 1.8 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Significant loss of Arctic sea ice.

   b. 30-40% coral reefs extinct.

   c. Sea-level rise impacts major cities.

   d. Massive loss in biodiversity.

   e. Extreme temperature events in many regions.

   f. Increased desertification.

   g. Widespread food and water scarcity.

   h. Massive population displacement.

   i. More extreme weather events.

   j. Further increase in vector-borne diseases.

4. 2.0 Degrees Celsius:  

   a. Ice-free Arctic in summer.

   b. 50% loss of coral reefs.

   c. Rising sea levels inundate small islands.

   d. Significant increase in wild fires.

   e. Severe agricultural impacts lead to food crises.

   f. Wide spread water shortages.

   g. Extreme heatwaves become norm.

   h. Increased frequency and intensity of storm events.

   i. Threat to most existing ecosystems.

   j. Mass climate-induced migration.

5. 2.5 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Substantial increase in ocean acidity.

   b. Many regions become uninhabitable due to heat and drought.

   c. Escalating risk of forest fires.

   d. Risk of collapse of polar ice sheets increases.

   e. Severe impact on global food supply.

   f. Wide scale biodiversity loss.

   g. Escalation in extreme weather events.

   h. Many coastal and low-lying areas permanently submerged.

   i. Massive climate induced migration, potentially causing humanitarian crisis.

   j. Significant rise in vector and water borne diseases.

3.0 Degrees Celsius:

  a. Coral reefs almost completely extinct.

   b. Severe water shortages even in developed countries.

   c. Major cities around the world under threat from rising sea levels.

   d. Global agricultural system in crisis, causing food shortages and sharp price increases.

   e. Many regions become too hot for human habitation.

   f. Increased mortality rates due to extreme heatwaves.

   g. Further acceleration in biodiversity loss.

   h. Surge in climate refugee numbers.

   i. Dramatic increase in wildfire frequency and intensity worldwide.

   j. Tropical diseases spread further north and south.

4.0 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Widespread species extinction.

   b. Collapse of important ecosystem services such as pollination.

   c. Massive global migration due to vast areas becoming uninhabitable.

   d. Large parts of the world experience water scarcity.

   e. Sea level rise impacts major infrastructure, residential areas, and industrial activities.

   f. Extreme temperatures make certain regions uninhabitable.

   g. Global conflicts over dwindling resources.

   h. Diminished agricultural productivity exacerbates food scarcity.

   i. Mental health issues increase due to displacement and instability.

   j. Dead zones expand in the world oceans.

5.0 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Ice sheets melt entirely, leading to a catastrophic rise in sea levels.

   b. Unpredictable and extreme weather events.

   c. Collapse of the marine food chain due to ocean acidification.

   d. Enormous risks to global health security.

   e. Disappearance of entire species on a daily basis.

   f. Significant portions of the Earth's population displaced.

   g. Large areas of the planet become desert.

   h. Hunger and disease increase dramatically.

   i. Bulk of world's cultural heritage underwater.

   j. Mental illness becomes a major health issue due to climate stress.

6.0 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Certain regions become too hot for human survival.

   b. Potential for runaway greenhouse effect.

   c. Vast majority of ecosystems collapse.

   d. Nation states cease to exist due to unmanageable crises.

   e. Large parts of the world become too dry for vegetation.

   f. Widespread hunger and malnutrition due to agricultural collapse.

   g. Rise of pandemics due to weakened health systems and changing disease vectors.

   h. Final mass extinction event begins.

   i. Sea level rises drastically, leaving many of the world's cities underwater.

   j. Superstorms become more frequent.

7.0 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Humans struggle to survive in many parts of the world.

   b. Remaining species face extinction.

   c. Beginning of an ice-free planet.

   d. Areas of the planet become wastelands.

  e. Disintegration of most communities due to conflict over resources.

   f. Entire countries immersed underwater.

   g. Extreme weather events become common.

   h. All coral reefs extinct.

   i. Most forest ecosystems collapse.

   j. Escalating mortality rates due to unbearable conditions.

8.0 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Near-total extinction of life on Earth.

   b. Global human population drops drastically due to unlivable conditions.

   c. Remaining societal structures collapse.

   d. Any remaining biodiversity under extreme threat.

   e. The Earth begins to resemble its early hothouse state.

   f. Global food chains completely break down.

   g. Large parts of the oceans become dead zones.

   h. Potentially, a form of runaway greenhouse effect sets in.

   i. Technology and civilization collapse to a survivalist state.

   j. Potential for Earth to become a Venus-like planet if a runaway greenhouse effect occurs.

10. 8.0 Degrees Celsius:

   a. Collapse of global economy.

   b. Extreme temperature make many regions uninhabitable.

   c. Widespread famine due to collapse of agricultural system.

   d. Extinction of  most species on Earth.

   e. Ice-free Antarctic, massive sea-level rise renders most coastal cities uninhabitable.

   f. Ocean acidification kills off most marine life.

   g. Rogue weather events become norm.

   h. Substantial part of Earth's population displaced.

   i. Possible collapse of the planet's ecosystem.

   j. Drastic increase in mortality due to extreme weather, diseases and social unrest.

One Earth One Chance