Climate Civil Wars

Fossil Fuels Mean War
Earth Burning Up

Climate Civil War

Climate civil war if the temperature reaches 8.0 degrees Celsius.

Earth burning up

Earth burning up as we hit 8.0 degrees Celsius.

Society fights for limited resources as soldiers try to control the desperate masses.

Chaos of climate civil war.

The Civil War Consequences of an 8.0 Degrees Celsius Climate Shift: 

As the planet continues to warm due to human-induced climate change, the question arises: What could happen if the global average temperature rises by 8 degrees Celsius? This unprecedented shift in climate brings a potential future fraught with ecological, social, and political crises, which could lead to issues as extreme as civil unrest and warfare. This article explores some of the dreadful outcomes we could expect, focusing on the emergence of soldiers, dwindling resources, and widespread death.

When resources dwindle due to the ecological impacts of climate change, we will see a shift from peaceful societies to individuals and groups scrambling to survive. The struggle for water, food, and inhabitable land could turn neighbours into foes, governments into tyrants, and peaceful civilians into desperate soldiers. These soldiers would not be clad in a typical military uniform; instead, they would be ordinary people, resolute in their determination to survive amidst the chaos.

Lack of water, one of life's most basic necessities, compels society to descend into chaos rapidly. Droughts, desertification, and the melting of pristine ice reservoirs would exacerbate this scarcity. As an example, the UN estimates that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will live in areas with absolute water scarcity. It's not difficult to imagine skirmishes or even outright wars being fought over access to dwindling water sources.

Food scarcity is another critical issue that arises from climate change. Severe weather conditions, rising temperatures, and changes in rainfall patterns will damage or destroy cropland, affecting food production negatively. Competition over these limited resources could lead to unprecedented levels of conflict and violence.

Mass migrations would also be likely as people flee areas becoming uninhabitable due to extreme heat, sea-level rise, or persistent drought. This exodus would put immense pressure on the receiving regions, further exacerbating resource scarcity and potentially leading to violent conflict over settlement rights.

Amidst all this turmoil, death would be an inevitable, constant companion. The Lancet predicts that climate change could cause an additional 250,000 deaths per year between 2030 and 2050 due to malnutrition, malaria, and heat stress. Besides these direct causes, violence and warfare would predictably lead to substantial loss of life.

Given this grim picture, let's list the ten most catastrophic consequences we could face if the climate hits an 8.0-degree Celsius increase.

1. Water Scarcity: Limited access to potable water due to increased evaporation rates and disappearing glaciers could lead to conflicts over basic survival needs.
2. Food Insecurity: Climate-induced damage to agriculture could lead to unprecedented levels of famine and competition for food.
3. Mass Migrations: Large populations could be forced to abandon their homes, leading to conflicts over territory and resources in the remaining habitable areas.
4. Insurgent Soldiers: Ordinary people could be compelled to fight for survival, leading to violence and potential civil wars.
5. Epidemics and Disease: Warmer climates could see a rise in vector-borne diseases, which could spread through undernourished and displaced populations.
6. Economic Collapse: The combined effects on agriculture, industry, and infrastructure could lead to a global economic meltdown.
7. Breakdown of Governments: Civil conflicts and resource scarcity could undermine political stability, leading to the collapse of governments.
8. Destruction of Biodiversity: Mass species extinction due to extreme climatic conditions would disrupt ecosystems and further deplete resources.
9. Mental Health Crises: The ongoing stress of living in such a hostile environment could lead to a surge in mental health issues.
10. Threat to Human Existence: With a rise of 8.0 degrees Celsius, the very survival of the human species could be at risk.

While these consequences may seem terrifying and dystopian, they underscore the urgent need to address climate change. It's not a distant problem but an imminent crisis that demands collective commitment to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience against climate disruptions.

One Earth One Chance