Big C: The power of collaboration

Sharing is Mystical

"When we share, everything changes."
~ John Burch

"Conversations don't shuffle the cards. They make new cards."
~ Theodore Zeldin

"The real voyage of discovery consists, not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." 
~ Marcel Proust

Women have power

Women talking about the future of earth.

Men have power

Men Sharing

Children are waiting...

Toddlers future.

And waiting...

Save the children.

And waiting some more.

Climate change children. Who is going to save them?

Sharing is Mystical

Sharing is mystical.

Sharing has power

Mystical Sharing

Sharing is unitive

Collective Mysticism.
New eyes.
Distributed functionality.
The human array.

Please Share this website with everyone you know.


One Earth One Chance